How awesome are friends? Pretty awesome. How awesome are friends who roast their own coffee beans and then share them with you?? WICKED AWESOME!!!

I worked with Tim a few years back, but then he went off and moved away! How dare he :) Thankfully due to this wonderful thing call the internet, we stay in touch. Tim was in town for a concert a few weeks back and we met up for coffee and he came bearing gifts!!

Description of his coffee:

Sweet Maria's: Guatemala San Jose Pinula - La Trinidad
Full City ro FC+: A classic Central profile, great body, bittersweet chocolate, intense, tangy roast notes and a twist of lemon rind.

I seriously think he should start selling the stuff. TIM START SELLING THIS!! You'll make $$$!!! Thank you so much for the coffee and let me know when you want to start selling!! I'll design your logo in exchange for beans ;)