Weekend Baking
I did a lot of baking and cooking this weekend. Which is always fun! I made some fantastic pancakes that I will have to post about once I get the pictures off of John's camera, I was too lazy to take them off so far. Sunday has become sauce night and we had HUGE bowls of whole wheat spaghetti with yummy turkey meatballs. I also made up some poose cookies, and some banana bread. Lots of cooking, no pictures... sorry guys!
I also made up some more roasted brussles sprouts, this time I used some potato spice grinder that I won in a giveaway over at Sugarlaws!! How exciting is that! I love winning stuff :) The spice grinder came from the spice depot and tasted great ground up on my sprouts!
After all that I was still in the kitchen and walked into the living room stirring something in a bowl. John looks at me and asks "wait what are you cooking now? aren't you done?"
Me: "nope, I thought I'd make some peanut butter pie"
John: "for who?"
Me: "us"
I start walking back into the kitchen as he starts laughing and says "you are going to make me so fat aren't you!!" Ahhh yes that is what the gym is for right? :)
So back to the peanut butter pie .... it wasn't really a pie like I normally do, I didn't put it in a crust, I just put it into containers to eat like ice cream... and I used honey to sweeten it... it came out... YUM! Follow the recipe and at the end instead of the splenda start drizzling in honey, stir it up and taste it, if it needs more, add some more :) Sorry I didn't bother measuring how much I used!Mmmmm don't you love chowing weekends :) I don't have any chow pics but here is a cute one of John and me after a long day called
healthy recipe,
peanut butter,
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