Molly over at Batter Splattered is hosting a cookie/ ornament exchange!! Molly is the fantastic lady who also hosted the jam exchange I took part of a few months back :) Let's give a big round of applause for Molly *clap clap clap clap*

After a somewhat crazy day at work, then some time to blow off steam at the gym, I pulled into the driveway to see a happy little package propped up against my front door. At this point I got very excited and started hoping like mad that the package was for me and not my roomie, I mean I love my roomie but come on it's a cute package, of course I want it to be for me :)

After quickly parking I ran out of the garage leaving behind all objects of importance to grab the package... score!!! it's for me! :) I looked at the return address Jeanne S. from Mountain View California... ooo Mountain View, that's where some of the google friends work when they are in the country! At this point I knew it must be my cookie exchange partner since I had no idea who the name was... unless it was a secret admirer... ooooo. I got even more excited and quickly went back to my car to retrieve all of my bags (I swear I'm a bag lady I don't know how I manage it but I always have at least 3 bags to schlep in every night).

OK so why is it that the more excited you are to open a package is DIRECTLY correlated to the amount of tape on said box??? Man Jeanne you used some industrial strength tape! That sucker wasn't coming undone anytime soon! After some wresting and a pair of scissors I finally released the contents of the box *packing peanuts flying everywhere*

Let me tell you. TOTALLY worth the struggle to get this package open. Jeanne wrote me a great note and she included a cute tin brimming to the top with gingerbread men/trees/canes and some biscotti.

That's totally not me trying to steal the gingerbread man so I can behead him... I have no idea what you are talking about... Seriously though how cute are these little guys, and all decorated to the nines! They didn't just look cute they tasted delicious too, same with the biscotti, YUM!

The other thing included was a Christmas ornament, even though she lives in CA she's originally from Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) which is why they are a little pair of mittens and an adorable sweater on a hanger! I'm not sure if she is the one who made these or not but serious props to whoever did, they are ADORABLE!!! (UPDATE: she DID make them! keep reading to find out where you can read about all her cute creations!)

Jeanne thank you so much!!! I love all of it and it totally made my day!! I'm not sure if you have a blog or not (I have an email in to Molly asking her) but if you do and see this send me a comment so I can link to you!! Thanks again! (UPDATE: Jeanne does have a blog!! It's a knitting one! So go check it out here )


OK onto finishing making my ornament and then some cookies... I totally know what I'm going to make... but shhhh it's a surprise!