So a little while ago I got my hands on some TCHO dark chocolate and proclaimed it amazingly the best. My good friend matthew has decided to challenge that statement by sending me a care package of chocolate!!!! yum now THAT is what I call a good friend!! tasty!!! He sent me two varieties.
The first is a rosewater bar by chocopologie. I'm not sure what matt has to say but I think the rosewater was a bit overpowering in this one. Even though it was 80% cacao it really didn't have a definet chocolate or even bitter taste. Good to the no bitter, ehh to the not powerful chocolate. I mean come on if I'm eating a chocolate bar I want it to taste like chocolate and not just rosewater :) So sorry matt TCHO still beats out this one... Now on to the next!!!

Next was a cherry chocolate bar by Eve kitten. This one had a less potent cherry flavor, it was more light and flavorful and added to the chocolate instead of overpowering it. Plus Eve Kitten surely wins on packaging. I mean look at the cool box it came in!! And the screen printer scandalous lady on the back of the chocolate... fantastic!

I would say Eve is on pretty equal ground with TCHO but is definetly more "fun" due to the packaging and imagery aligned with the brand. If the two were sitting next to each other on the shelf I would pick Eve over TCHO for sure. As for a blind taste test... I think I may still be leaning towards TCHO!? Crazy I know. TCHO is still beta testing though and it seems they are onto a new batch... I wonder if it's as good as the last or if it's too different... hmmmmmm

Now I want to go eat some chocolate.

update: so the eve kitten is a little side project of
chocopologie (for those who want to know) also this place is considered one of the top 3 chocolitiers in the world!!! crazy man!!!