Hey guys! We are back from our trip to DC to see the family and the sites! We had a great time and I'm sure you'll be hearing all about it soon enough... but as for today, I'm sure all you want to know is who the winner of our awesome Gardanne giveaway is (and about the next giveaway)!??

First off go check out Anne's store again, she's updated it with a ton of new beautiful pieces!! GO CHECK IT OUT!

Secondly... the winner was chosen using random.org and that lucky lady is....

Natalie of Natalie's killer cuisine!

Here is what Natalie says about herself in her blogger profile:
"Hello, I'm Natalie and I write Natalie's Killer Cuisine. I live in Dallas, TX with my boyfriend Kyle and we are slowly starting our own catering company. I bake a lot so you will see that on my blog, along with healthy meals for myself, gluttonous meals for Kyle, and some catering food. Before starting my blog I went to culinary school and have worked in restaurant back of house and front of house. "

Congrats Natalie! Drop me an email at stephchows (at) gmail (dot) com with your address so I can pass it along to Anne!

No fret if you didn't win... because if you remember, I mentioned this was the first of two giveaways.... Want a sneak peak of what the next giveaway will be...